
I decided to chronicle my adventures in the kitchen,  because I always find myself  talking about cooking and recipes.

All the time.

In fact, a coworker mentioned to me over lunch one day that  she noticed I always manage to sway the conversation towards food: what people are having for dinner, what they are heating up for lunch that day, favorite restaurants etc.  I felt a shimmer of fear when she noticed that talking about food is something that I love to do, and that she voiced it out loud. I wondered, was I becoming that person that caused people to roll their eyes, sigh inwardly and think that conversation was going to, once again, be dominated by the latest item that came out of my oven. Did she hope that by mentioning this fact to me that I would stop moving the discussion toward food?

Of course, whether that was her intention or not, I haven’t stop talking about food, recipes, or eating.  How can you stop sharing with friends the thing that gets you excited.  Furthermore, since I am always up for hearing about the latest and greatest recipe and sampling said item, should the opportunity arise, I believe that most everyone else is too.  Finally, we all have to eat, so why not eat food that tastes good,  is good for you (at least most of the time, we all need to indulge now and again), and comes from a tried and tested recipe!

I figured that a perfect outlet would be to start a blog about what I have cooked and eaten and share the fabulous recipes with you.

6 responses to “Greetings

  1. Well, well what do we have here? A Kelley cooking blog! Hooray! Now I can steal all of your recipes without having to ask. You should have started this blog years ago – such a good idea!

    You’ll be the next Julie Powell ; )

  2. Hi Kelley, I’ll be following your blog for ideas, for sure! Just looking for your RSS feed please?

  3. Hey Katy, RSS feed is now up. I think…. 🙂

  4. Butternut squash macaroni? I’m sold. Everything looks great, Kelley!

  5. Try it!

  6. Will try it

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